Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Browned Butter Gnocchi


I've been toying around with Gnocchi and have decided that I really like it, and I like it with a lot of different stuff. I'm still working on a Gorgonzola Cream sauce and it's coming along quite nicely. As for now this is my favorite - simple, easy, good. Works for me.

For a while, I didn't know what gnocchi was - it always just looked weird in the pasta isle. However, as I started delving into cooking, I started hearing about it more and more. Soon, it seemed that I needed to try it simple for the sake of trying it. To my surprise, I actually really liked it. I like it a lot more then I like most other pastas in fact. As I mentioned above, I've done a lot of test recipes with it. I have yet to have it at a restaurent, so I'm excited to see how my version of it will compare.

I bought gnocchi made with sweet potato and whole wheat flour for these simply because I was craving sweet potato flavor. I'm sure you could use regular wheat or potato gnocchi.

1 package gnocchi
1 medium onion, diced
2 tablespoons olive oil
4-5 cloves diced garlic.

2 Tablespoons cold butter, cubed

Parsley for garnish

**Note - this works best if everything is ready to go before because you deal with a high heat pan. Prep your ingredients (chopped, diced, measured as needed) before - trust me! Also - these pictures show a quartered recipe, just FYI, not the full one listed above.

Cook gnocchi according to package directions, let drain well!!! those suckers should be pretty dry in order for them to brown well.

In a large pan on HIGH heat (yes high), heat oil and swirl to coat pan. Add onions and some salt, saute for 2-3 mins, stirring regularly. Once onions become translucent on the edges, add gnocchi and garlic, toss until coated. Toss about once a minute until gnocchi is lightly browned.

Remove from heat, add cold butter and toss until just melted. Serve and eat immediately :)

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